Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hi, everybody!

Time flies, and I am going back to Portugal in two days. Classes have already finished and all students are studying hard for the finals. Unfortunately, I won’t be here for the commencement week (May 11-13). You can get some information about this tradition in here.

Now, it’s time for a brief reflection. I couldn’t be more gratified with this four-months experience. I would like to emphasize the high quality classes I have attended, and the knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and supportive scholars I have met. Each day I was able to learn a new thing and to discover a new perspective to look into my work, to reflect on it. This stay had a very positive impact on my professional and personal growth. I am very glad I have the courage to be so many days away from home. The GEDS made it possible, and I hope it will continue to provide this kind of experience to other students.

I would like to make a special thanks to Prof. Dale Farran, Prof. Mark Lipsey, Prof. Steve Baum, Prof. David Dickinson, Prof. Amanda Goodwin, Prof. Deborah Rowe, Prof. Mark Wolery, and all those people who have made my stay at VU so interesting, remarkable, and full of learning experiences.

I hope you have enjoyed all these newsletters. For now, take a look at how green and pleasant is Vanderbilt University in the spring:


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